Reservoir Rangers Welcome Visitors
30 March 2023WATCH
Reservoir Rangers: The Movie. Hear how the team are loving life on patrol at some of our most popular reservoirs in this stunning new film.
Reservoir Rangers are go! A cracking new team of rangers is now helping visitors enjoy some of Scotland's top beauty spots with top advice on how to stay safe around reservoirs.
The rangers have been brought to life with a spectacular new film, in which the fab five talk about their new roles patrolling the paths and shorelines of four major reservoirs which provide water supplies to hundreds of thousands of people across the country.
The enthusiastic team reveals how they are now helping the public enjoy our reservoir environments and protect the natural habitat while promoting safety at reservoirs.
Look out for Cheuk-Chi Yau (known as Chi), Ryan Kincaid, and Jane McArdle at Milngavie Reservoirs near Glasgow; Elspeth Smith at Gladhouse in Midlothian; and Paul Coleman at Carron Valley in Stirlingshire.
They'll be on hand to welcome visitors, patrol key routes and offer guidance and assistance, so don't hesitate to stop for a chat with them.
They’ve already started helping visitors by providing valuable advice and tips on how to get the most out of their visits, ensuring people stay safe, protect the environment and consider others.

Beautiful Milngavie Reservoirs

Top team loving life on the job
Visitor Advice
Ranger Paul Coleman, our new face at Carron Valley, said: “We go out and we actively engage with the public to make sure that they understand their rights of access that is reasonable and responsible access.
“If you open a gate, please close the gate behind you. If the gate’s open, leave it open. Once you’ve eaten your crisps, take the packet away with you. We have bins on site. If you’ve got your dog, take a poo bag. Please put the bag in a bin, don’t hang it on a tree – that’s my personal bugbear.”
Paul added: “There are buildings and infrastructure in the reservoir that are not safe for people to be on. We have a bubble curtain marked with buoys out there.
“If you swim or paddle over that you will sink to the bottom and you will not get back up.
Elspeth, the ranger at Gladhouse, said: “We want people to come to a beautiful site like this. We just want them to be respectful and mindful. So just make sure you understand that the Scottish Outdoor Access Code is what your responsibilities are”.
Chi, one of the rangers at Milngavie, added: “This is a very beautiful place and we encourage people to enjoy it but to do so responsibly. We advise visitors not to go into the water and not to let their dogs go into the water partly because of safety but also because this is the drinking water that supplies the area of Glasgow.”
The rangers pilot initiative is a partnership approach, with Scottish Water, East Dunbartonshire Council at Mugdock Country Park near Milngavie Reservoirs, Midlothian Council at Gladhouse, and Forestry and Land Scotland at Carron Valley. They're easily spotted by their jointly branded clothing.
The new service, which runs until October 2023, is part of Scottish Water's Enabling Responsible Access pilot, to connect communities to their local environment, improve access to our beautiful outdoor spaces, and support tourism.