Your search for 'Water Quality' yielded 1182 results:

Scottish Water Response to Drinking Water Quality Regulator Annual Report Findings

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7 September 2023

We have welcomed the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland’s Drinking Water Quality in Scotland 2022 Public Water Supplies Annual Report

Improving Urban Water Quality "on track"

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21 December 2023

Latest report on improving urban water quality shows delivery “on track” and new data is published

Highest Ever Number of ‘Excellent’ Scottish Bathing Waters

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15 November 2022

Scotland’s bathing water quality continues to improve with 38 out of 87 (44%) rated as ‘excellent’ for 2023

Scotland’s Beaches Achieve Best Bathing Water Quality Since 2015 

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13 December 2021

Scotland’s bathing water quality is the best it has been since 2015 when tighter standards first came into force, with 99% of all sites now classified as sufficient or better for next season

Improving Urban Waters Remains on Track as Planned Update Published

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14 December 2022

Scottish Water’s plan to further improve the quality of the country’s urban waterways has been updated a year on from its publication

Scottish Water rises to Festive Weather Challenges

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8 January 2024

Scottish Water teams spent the festive period ensuring the country’s public water network and waste water systems operated smoothly

Adapting Scotland’s Water and Waste Water Services to Climate Change

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29 February 2024

Our plan sets out what we must do and how we need to work with others to ensure our services against the impact of climate change

Water Quality

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Learn how we test and maintain water quality to ensure you receive the highest standard of water

Scottish Water continues to invest in improving urban waters in Edinburgh

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4 October 2023

Major works to upgrade the sewer network around the Water of Leith will start in 2024

Drinking Water Protection Scheme (DWPS)

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Find out more about our Drinking Water Protection Scheme