Scottish Water Apprenticeship Programme 2024
01 March 2024
Class of 2023
Each year Scottish Water takes on a new group of apprentices. The class of 2023 is pictured at their induction week last year.
With Scottish Apprenticeship Week in full flow, Scottish Water is gearing up to launch our campaign to hire the next generation of water professionals who’ll protect Scotland’s critical water infrastructure for many years to come.
We currently have 165 apprentices working hard to develop their knowledge and skills. This includes traditional Modern Apprenticeships across a wide range of specialisms, and Graduate Apprenticeships which combine a degree with hands on work experience. Some work in office-based roles, some work in front line operational roles – but all of them play a critical part in Scottish Water’s future.
Modern Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning, with the opportunity to complete professional qualifications. Supported by our in-house Skills Academy team, each apprentice has both a day-to-day line manager, and a personal assessor who supports them through their qualification and ensures their training is of the highest standard. Some qualifications require regular college attendance. Others are delivered entirely in-house by our own training specialists. Modern Apprenticeships typically last between 1-4 years, depending on the specialism.
Graduate Apprenticeships offer the incredible opportunity to combine an academic degree qualification at a Scottish University with up to five years of hands-on work experience. Our Graduate Apprentices split their time between university and work, learning to apply their knowledge and skills in real time.
We’ll be looking for people interested in training (or retraining!) in the following roles:
- Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance
- Engineering & Construction Project Management
- Health & Safety
- Leakage
- Metering Technician
- Quantity Surveying
- Science (Biology/Chemistry)
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water Networks Operations
- Water Treatment
Our campaign launches on Monday 11th March.
Modern Apprenticeship Additional Information
For more details on our apprentice programmes and how to apply, check out our website:
Click here