
Adapting Scotland’s Water and Waste Water Services to Climate Change

Our plan sets out what we must do and how we need to work with others to ensure our services against the impact of climate change

29 February 2024

Andrew's Munro Challenge Mission is First Off the Blocks

Climber Andrew Steel is first to sign up for annual Munro Challenge to raise funds for WaterAid

22 February 2024

Swimmer Battles Health Setbacks to Teach Next Generation

Teenager Nathan McKechnie praised for commitment to teaching youngsters to swim despite major health issues

22 February 2024

Teachers needed to create 'generation swim'

The team behind the Learn to Swim National Framework has launched the recruitment campaign across Scotland

09 January 2024

More Investment Vital to Tackle Climate Change Impact

Latest performance report highlights need to address climate impact on water and waste water services

15 December 2023

Teamwork to the Fore in Carnoustie Storm Response

Close collaboration with specialist supply chain partners and support from local stakeholders enabled major storm damage to a strategic sewer pipeline on the Angus coast to be repaired in under 10 days

12 December 2023

Scotland’s swim leaders dive in to build on next wave

A record number of experts dedicated to delivering vital swimming lessons in Scotland have united to discuss the next steps in creating “generation swim”

30 November 2023

Swimming providers championing inclusion

A national diversity and inclusion initiative has reported a record number of children with disabilities enrolled in mainstream swimming lessons

28 November 2023

Partnership approach to cut FOG from Highland sewers

A new partnership approach to tackling the threat of fatbergs in city centre sewers is set to put the Highland Capital’s drains on a diet.

17 November 2023

Antibiotics Awareness Week

World Antibiotic Awareness Week (WAAW) is run by the World Health Organisation and is celebrated annually from 18th to 24th November

17 November 2023

Pioneering peatland project progresses

Two years after launching a peatland restoration project in the Outer Hebrides, we return to check on its progress.

14 November 2023

Scottish Water volunteers spruce up Dalwhinnie war memorial

Dalwhinnie's war memorial has been cleaned ahead of Armistice Day by Scottish Water volunteers.

08 November 2023

Residents Urged to Bin Wipes to 'Keep Helensburgh Heavenly'

We have joined forces with local campaign group Plastic Free Helensburgh to urge residents to help wipe out chokes following a big spike in sewer blockages in the town 

07 November 2023

Peebles Pupils Pioneer Mission to Protect Scotland's Water

First lesson of new Generation H₂O youth engagement programme takes place at Priorsford Primary.

29 September 2023

Over 76,000 youngsters celebrate Learn to Swim Month

Learning to swim is being celebrated throughout September in Scotland as part of a county-wide initiative

11 September 2023