Glenlatterach Water Treatment Works Upgrade
Glenlatterach Water Treatment Works Upgrade
Scottish Water is investing £10m to upgrade our existing Glenlatterach Water Treatment Works (WTW) which serves the Laich of Moray area.
What does the work involve?
The project will see refurbishment of the existing works, including the upgrade and replacement of some of the mechanical and electrical equipment at the site, to provide a larger capacity. A new building will also be constructed to the west of the existing building to house new equipment.
Glenlatterach WTW Upgrade
Works are continuing at our Glenlatterach WTW
Why are we doing this work?
This project will allow the Water Treatment Works to continue to provide a high quality of the water to the wider Elgin and Forres areas and ensure we meet the needs of the growing community over the years ahead.
Construction commenced in April 2019 and is expected to be completed by late Summer 2021.
The majority of the work will take place within the existing footprint of the site, and there should be minimal disruption to the wider community during construction.
Our Alliance partner ESD will be carrying out the work on our behalf.