
The £1.3million investment to upgrade the water pipes in Moffat has been completed successfully.

The investment came following identification that part of the network was coming to the end of its operational lifespan. We have since replaced around 6.6km of water main. The completion of the project will greatly improve the resilience of the water supply, and reduce the chance of pipes bursting.

The work, which began in July 2023, was completed within the pre-planned timeframe of August 2024.

The project was delivered by Caledonia Water Alliance, and involved the replacement of the water main in phases to minimise disruption. Included in the upgrade work was Barnhill Lane, Barnhill Bridge, passed Oakriggside, North Newmills, The Lodge, Holmfield Cottage, Dumcrieff Cottage, and Old Carlisle Road.

We thank customers and road-users for the cooperation during these works.