Bertha Park Water Project
Project Overview
Scottish Water is investing into Perth's water infrastructure with a large scale project taking place across the city from the water treatment works (WTW) at Gowans Terrace all the way north to the pumping station at Luncarty.
This project will allow for future growth and development within the city, with the Bertha Park development benefiting initially from the project which will also allow Scottish Water to continue to supply fresh clear drinking water for its customers.
At a glance:
- Water project required for future growth in Perth
- Construction of new water mains and a distribution service reservoir (DSR)
- The work is being carried out on Scottish Water's behalf by Caledonia Water Alliance (CWA)

Bertha Park Water Project
This graphic highlights the large scale of the Bertha Park Water Project and shows the various pieces of work taking place across the city.
What are we doing?
As shown in the graphic above, the project is going to be split into 3 key sections which are described below.
Section 1 - Perth Water Treatment Works to New Distribution Service Reservoir
A new pumped water main of over 5km (dark green line in the graphic) will be constructed from Perth Water Treatment Works (WTW) to supply a new 6 megalitre distribution service reservoir (DSR) to the North of Perth. The majority of this work will take place away from the publics eye, however the first phase will begin at Gowan's Terrace, going through Bute Drive, passing Riverside Residential Area, then along the nearby grass area next to the River Tay.
Communications are being issued notifying customers of the work being carried out, however there should be no impact on parking or travel for local residents while this work is carried out. We have also communicated with local schools and businesses.
There may be small diversion in place for certain walking routes near to the River Tay.
Section 2 - New Distribution Service Reservoir to Luncarty Pumping station
The new 6 megalitre DSR is being built away from the public in land to the north of Perth close to the Redgorton area.
There will be a significant increase in traffic due to this work and we are contacting any affected residents to make them aware of this and answer any questions they may have about the project.
A new 2.3km gravity water main (light blue line in the graphic) supplying Luncarty Pumping Station from the new DSR will also be constructed. This gravity water main will also be away from the public through various land.
Section 3 - New Distribution Service Reservoir to Bertha Park Development
The new DSR will also fully service the Bertha Park development through over 1km of Distribution Main (green line in the graphic). This work will again take place away from the public through various fields.