The Water Industry in Scotland

The Scottish Parliament
Holds Scottish Water and Ministers to account and regularly calls executives to its committees to give progress updates.
Set the objectives for Scottish Water and appoint the Chair and Non-executive Members.
Vision for the Water Sector in Scotland
We are committed to working in partnership towards a shared Vision for the water sector which is a vital part of a flourishing Scotland.
Read The Vision hereScottish Water
Responsible for providing water and waste water services to household customers and wholesale Licensed Providers. Delivers the investment priorities of Ministers within the funding allowed by the Water Industry Commission for Scotland.
Water Industry Commission for Scotland
Economic regulator. Sets charges and reports on costs and performance.
Drinking Water Quality Regulator
Responsible for protecting public health by ensuring compliance with drinking water quality regulations.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Responsible for environmental protection and improvement.
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
Responsible for investigating complaints about public services in Scotland, including Scottish Water, once the services’ complaints procedure has been completed and sharing lessons from complaints to improve the delivery of public services.
Consumer Scotland
Represents the interests of consumers within Scotland’s water industry.