Nigg Waste Water Treatment Works
About Nigg WWTW
Nigg Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) was constructed in 2002 to treat the waste water that customers in Aberdeen and nearby communities have used so that it can be safely returned to the environment.
The site plays a crucial role in helping protect the marine environment of the north-east, directly serving a population equivalent of approximately 250,000.
Nigg also receives and treats sludge from many smaller WWTWs and septic tanks in the region, while generating green energy and producing high quality biosolids for application to land.
SEPA Odour Reporting Hotline
By reporting unpleasant odours from the site if you experience them, you can help us continue to improve performance:
- If possible, please call 0800 80 70 60
- You can also report online via the link below

The WWTW is located on the coast by Nigg Bay, east of the Torry area of the city
Ownership of Nigg WWTW
Together with 3 other large WWTWs in the region, Nigg was originally built and operated under a Private Finance Initiative (PFI).
In December 2018, Scottish Water took over ownership and operation of the works from the previous PFI operator.
The change in ownership brought the site's operational team into Scottish Water - and is continuing to provide opportunities to deliver better value for customers. A continuous programme of investment and maintenance is delivered to sustain and improve Nigg's environmental performance, as well as maximising the production of green energy.
Stakeholder Group
A stakeholder group continues to meet regularly to maintain dialogue between Scottish Water, SEPA, Aberdeen City Council and representatives of local communities. Further details of the stakeholder group's work can be found in the document library.