Annual Report
Performance and Prospects
Watch Scottish Water CEO Alex Plant and Board Chair Deirdre Michie reveal the highlights of how we performed during 2023/24 and our plans for the future
We continue to deliver a high level of service for our customers and in the last year invested more than £1 billion for the first time.
Our 2023/24 ‘Annual Report and Accounts Performance and Prospects’ also highlights how we ended the financial year with most of our key measures on target. This included continuing to provide high-quality drinking water, delivering on sector-leading customer satisfaction measures, and reducing environmental pollution incidents. We also cut our emissions further and installed more start-of-the art technologies.
The report also tells how we worked alongside a range of partners on improvement measures in coastal areas which saw more bathing waters rated good or excellent in this last year than ever before.
We delivered record investment of £1.02 billion - money spent upgrading and replacing water and waste water assets across Scotland, and all at a faster rate.
As with previous years, the unpredictable weather was one of the biggest challenges we faced. The record hot and dry temperatures last summer, a series of winter storms, and far heavier and unpredictable rainfall put pressure on the network, and teams worked round-the-clock during incidents to keep customers in supply and prevent flooding.
Despite increasing resources to tackle leakage we saw levels rise, partly as a result of the changing weather patterns.. Already we are looking at new and innovative ways to ensure we get back on track with our long-term trend of reducing leakage.
High inflation rates and supply chain issues added to the challenges last year.
Interim Report

We've reduced leakage, improved environmental performance and sour stepped up our capital investment programme but we must continue to find sustainable and cost effective solutions
We are making good progress in reducing leakage, improving environmental performance and delivering key projects to help communities across Scotland flourish.
The report tells how while the water sector faces challenges, our model in Scotland is working well, delivering good outcomes for customers and the environment, maintaining service quality today and building a viable platform for the future.
Writing in it our Chief Executive, Alex Plant, outlines how we are looking at new bolder and innovative ways of working to deliver cost and sustainable effective solutions while ensuring customers get the best value for money.
He also highlighted ongoing challenges we face including changes to the climate and aging assets. He also tells how, as forecast, repair costs continue to rise - up 15% increase up from £139 million to £161 million for the same six month period last year.
Sustained investment to replace assets that are at or beyond the end of their useful lives and working together to protect resources will be vital to ensuring we can maintain service standards and create the right conditions to meet future challenges too, Mr Plant said.
Annual Report & Accounts
View/Download the full and interim Annual Report & Accounts: Performance and Prospects
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