Combined Heat and Power
Combined Heat and Power
Combined heat and power (CHP) technology generates the production of heat and electricity in one single, highly efficient process.
CHP generates electricity and usable heat produced in this process that would otherwise be wasted.
This technology can use both renewable and fossil fuels.

Benefits of CHP
- CHP is highly efficient
- CHP plants can reach energy efficiency ratings in excess of 80%
- CHP is fuel neutral
- Plants provide local heat and electricity, avoiding efficiency losses in transmission
We have CHP plants at some of our waste water sites across Scotland utilising sewage gas which is renewable, including Galashiels Waste Water Treatment Works in Galashiels and Cumnock Waste Water Treatment Works.
Scottish Water Horizons is also in partnership with Stirling Council, for the pioneering Stirling Low Carbon Heat Project, which will bring cheap, sustainable heat to the city through a combination of heat recovery and CHP technologies.
The CHP plant will also deliver electricity to help power Stirling’s Waste Water Treatment Works.